Modern day tank destroyers
Modern day tank destroyers

They contributed to the Allied effort throughout the war. Poland acquired and developed tanks and tankettes for its armoured forces and after Poland had been overrun, a government-in-exile (headquartered in Britain), armed forces, along with an intelligence service were established outside of Poland. The Polish forces with the 7TP Light Tank series put up a valiant defense against the invading German Army in the opening phases of World War 2, and although the new Polish 9TP tanks were being produced, few reached the Polish forces before the German invasion overwhelmed the Polish army.

modern day tank destroyers

Poland designed tanks from those it acquired and the Polish armoured forces were given the single turret 7TP tank which was the best Polish tank available in numbers when the war broke out, derived from the Vickers Mark E tank. After World War I, many nations needed to have tanks, but only a few had the industrial resources to design and build them. Overview Polish Vickers E in 1938ĭuring and after World War I, Britain and France were the intellectual leaders in tank design, with other countries generally following and adopting their designs.

modern day tank destroyers

This article deals with the history and development of tanks of the Polish army from their first use after World War I, into the interwar period, during World War II, the Cold War and modern era.

Modern day tank destroyers